What is E-Sports?
How is it connected with Arbitration anyway?
Is this a new trend in Dispute Resolution?
Come and find out with our Keynote Speaker Mr. Leonid Shmatenko, the Associate of Peter & Kim. Leonid is also the author of the research article ‘Esports-“It’s in the Game”: The Naissance of a New Field of International Arbitration.”
Also on board would be Dr. Anne Coulon (Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Thammasat University) And Mr. Samuel Seow (Managing Partner of YSL Legal).
This Webinar will be hosted by Dr. Claudia Liu and Mr. Nicolas Ranza.
Seats are limited. Please CLICK https://us06web.zoom.us/…/tZwrcu2rrzItGteAYRIqpGtaLj6eZ… to register.
Once you’ve registered, you will have access to the Zoom Meeting link and Mr. Leonid’s article on E-Sports and Arbitration.
See you there!
For inquiries, please contact Claudia at claudial@staff.tu.ac.th