Academic support staff
Staff are responsible for personnel management, both for academic and academic support, including services such as reviewing, completing and assessing contracts and evaluating the merits of personnel, and various welfare and personnel development, including requesting academic positions, promoting career advancement, scholarships, study leave, and knowledge enhancement, training and seminars. Staff are also responsible for the work of the Faculty’s law centres, both the general law centre and specialised law centres, in supporting education management and promoting academic work.
List of staff members

Monphaka Kaewyeam
Human Resources Officer, Practitioner Level; Head of Human Resources and Administration, Law Centres
0 2696 5408, 0 2696 5104 |
- Supervise Human Resources Development (HRD) / (HRM) recruitment, replacement, and renewals of faculty members and personnel
- Direct and oversee the administrative work of the Legal Centres.

Suchada Sujarit
Operational Resources Officer, Practitioner Level; Human Resources Officer
0 2696 5409, 0 2696 5104 |
- Faculty member and staff evaluation.
- Approval of monthly salary payments.
- Welfare tasks.
- Acceptance of teaching of faculty members.
- Royal decoration tasks.
- Tasks related to awards for faculty members and staff.
- Investigating absence, leave, and late arrival of staff.

กุลวิทย์ มาลาวัน
เจ้าหน้าที่บริหารงานทั่วไป, เจ้าหน้าที่บุคคล (HRD)
0 2696 5104 |
- งานแผนการขอตำแหน่งทางวิชาการของอาจารย์
- งานแผนการสืบทอดตำแหน่ง (Succession Planning)
- งานแผนพัฒนาเจ้าหน้าที่ในภาพรวม
- งานแผนพัฒนาเจ้าหน้าที่รายบุคคล (Individual Development Plan - IDP)
- งานอบรม ปฐมนิเทศ และสัมมนาอาจารย์ (ทั้งในและนอกคณะนิติศาสตร์)
- งานอบรม ปฐมนิเทศ และสัมมนาเจ้าหน้าที่ในคณะนิติศาสตร์

Attawan Taenawakul
General Management Officer, Practitioner Level; Human Resources Officer
0 2696 5104 |
- Recruiting and hiring lecturers
- Teaching evaluation, assessment of renewal of faculty members’ contracts (Thai faculty members) and hiring lecturers for specific assignments (Thai and foreign nationals)
- Tasks concerning the continuation of work of retiring faculty members.
- Faculty member scholarships to study domestically/abroad.
- Faculty members’ work trips abroad.
- Correcting and updating information of faculty members, activities for increasing the academic knowledge of faculty members.

Sirinuch Jangbomrung
General Management Officer, Practitioner Level; Human Resources Officer
0 2696 5104 |
- Recruiting, selecting, hiring and appointing personnel of the Faculty of Law.
- Assessment, probation and renewal of university staff contracts for the university office (Faculty of Law) and the office of income and academic support.

Thanyanin Ratchakorn
Academic Educator, Practitioner Level; Senior Administrative Officer, Law Centres
0 2696 5408 |
- Preparing the operation plan of the Legal Centres.
- Tasks concerning the meetings of the board of directors of the Legal Centres (at least 4 times per academic year).
- Organising academic seminars for social academic services (at least twice per academic year).
- Academic activities of the Legal Centres (at least twice per academic year).
- Organising study trips for master's degree students.

Darawan Khemthong
Academic Educator, Practitioner Level; Administrative Officer, Law Centres
0 2613 2103 |
- Preparing the operation plan of the Legal Centres
- Tasks concerning the meetings of the board of directors of the Legal Centres (at least 4 times per academic year).
- Organising academic seminars for social academic services (at least twice per academic year).
- Academic activities of the Legal Centres (at least twice per academic year).
- Organising study trips for master's degree students.

Vipada Maruk
General Management Officer, Practitioner Level; Administrative Officer, Law Centres
0 2613 2103 |
- Preparing the operation plan of the Legal Centres.
- Tasks concerning the meetings of the board of directors of the Legal Centres (at least 4 times per academic year).
- Organising academic seminars for social academic services (at least twice per academic year).
- Academic activities of the Legal Centres (at least twice per academic year).
- Organising study trips for master's degree students.

Pornpen Swangtrakul
Personnel, Professional Level; Administrative Officer, Specialist Legal Centres
0 2613 2135, 0 2613 2153 |
- Director and secretary of the Specialist Legal Centres.
- Administrative work of the Specialist Legal Centres.
- Academic training/seminars.
- Coordination between education centres.
Department Contacts
Human Resources :
Legal Centres :