Specialised Law Centres
About the German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance
The German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance or CPG was established in 2010 through an agreement for cooperation between the law faculties of 4 institutions: Thammasat University, Frankfurt University, the University of Münster and the University of Passau in Germany. The objectives of the centre are to promote academic cooperation in the field of public policy and good governance between Germany and Thailand, and with various countries in Southeast Asia, with the German Academic Cooperation Promotion Office supporting its operating budget.
CPG was established as a blend of a research centre and a teaching centre, as well as being a platform for exchanging information and building networks in the field of higher education and exchanging experiences on the Legal State in collaboration with the university, the Constitutional Court, the Administrative Court, various ministries and NGOs. In addition, CPG focuses on research on the topics of ASEAN integration, constitutional law and comparative constitutional reform, national and regional security issues, protecting universal human rights and criminal law reform issues.
In terms of education, CPG also offers specialised German language courses. Students are sent to an annual spring school in Germany and the centre offers a number of scholarships.
- In addition, CPG organises international academic conferences and publishes books as well as a quarterly English language journal titled “European-Asian Journal of Law and Governance” (EAJLG). Those who are interested can access information about CPG via the CPG website.

Glaser Henning Rainer

พรเพ็ญ สว่างตระกูล
บุคลากรชำนาญการ, เจ้าหน้าที่ธุรการศูนย์กฎหมายเฉพาะทาง
0 2613 2135, 0 2613 2153 | spornpen@tu.ac.th
0 2613 2971