Bhumindr Butr-indr
Associate Professor Dr.

Bhumindr Butr-indr
Professor Dr.
Professor Dr. Bhumindr BUTR-INDR obtained his LL.M. from University of Aix-Marseille and Ph.D from University of Paris. He has authored 7 books and more than 30 articles on various issues on Intellectual Property and Cyber law. He is currently an assistant to the Rector for Research and Academic Affairs at the Thammasat University. He serves in the parliament, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Digital Economy and the Ministry of Public Health. Including special missions such as the Extraordinary Commission of the Parliament for the year 2019 to study the expansion of the BEM highways construction and BTS SkyTrain concessions, the working group to consider guidelines for the management of communications satellite operations(Office of the National Commission for Digital Economy ), Legal consultant in the policy project to promote the use of 5G technology in Thailand, Legal Counsel in Information Technology Law and Network System, Thai Network Information Center Foundation (THNIC) Committee member of Artificial Intelligent Association of Thailand.(AIAT) and Legal Counsel of Thai Public Health Ministry. He has been involved in a number of international research projects, as well as in regional and multilateral negotiations concerning law and technologies. He was appointed as an associated judge of the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court of Thailand. He has been a visiting professor and visiting scholar at several institutions, including the Singapore Management University, University of Washington and the University of Aix-Marseille.
- School of Law , University of Washington, Seattle
Diploma in Intellectual Property, Center for Advanced study & Research on innovation policy (CASRIP) - L’Université Panthéon Assas (Paris II)
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) intellectual property (Doctor en droit) 2006-2012 - L’Université Paul Cézanne (Aix-Marseille 3)
Master de recherché Droit Propriété Intellectuelle,
Intellectual Property Rights law, GPA 3.5 2005-2006 - The Institute of Legal Education, The Thai Barrister Association
Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Law 2003-2004 - The Institute of Legal Education, The Thai Barrister Association
Barrister at law, Law 2002-2004 - The Lawyers Council of Thailand
Graduated Diploma in Attorney-At-Law, Law 2002-2003 - The Institute of Legal Education, The Thai Barrister Association
Graduate Diploma in Taxation, Tax Law/Taxation 2002-2003 - Thammasat University
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), Law 1998-2001
Work Experience
Current Position
- Legal Counsel of Thai Public Health Ministry, as a qualified person and expert in Intellectual Property Law
- Committee member of French Law Study Center, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University
- Legal Counsel in Information Technology Law and Network System, Thai Network Information Center Foundation (THNIC)
- Legal Counsel for Research in Information Technology and Communication System, TIME Consulting Co., Ltd.
- Member of Association Francophone de la Propriete Intellectuelle (AFPI)
- Associate Judge of the Intellectual Property and International Trade Court
- Assistant to the Rector for Research and Academic Affairs (Lampang Center), Thammasat University
- Committee member of Artificial Intelligent Association of Thailand. (AIAT)
Academic Services
- Join the drafting of the regulation on “Cooperation in Tourism Management of Lampang” in the seminar of National University, Lampang, on 12nd July 2013 at 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Speaker of “Skills in enforcing intellectual property law” of the Campaign to raise awareness about intellectual property at Thammasat University, Lampang Center. This is held jointly with the Office of Prevention and Suppression of Intellectual Property Rights Violation, Department of Intellectual Property. This campaign is held on 24th July 2013.
- Speaker of “L’éfficaceité des mesures de lutte contre la contrefaçon en Thaïlande”. The seminar is held jointly by Thammasat University and Aix Marseille University’s Faculty of Law. It was held on 16th April 2012 at 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Project manager and moderator of the academic meeting of “When Tobacco Trademark Owners Sue the Government: Lessons learned from Australia”.The Intellectual Property Law Seminar project, held on ***16th July, 2013 at Faculty of Law, Thammasat University.
- Speaker of Scope of Intellectual Property Law in seminar under heading “Intangible Cultural Heritage” at Center for Contemporary Social and Cultural Studies, the Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University on 5th November 2013 at 1 p.m. to 5.15 p.m.
- Speaker of Intellectual Property Law in the 13th National Tobacco Conference, Tobacco Control Research and Knowledge Management Center on 30th November 2014. Detail appears in the letter No. ศจญ.ว 02/032/2557
- Co-Speaker of “The role of the judge in the struggle against counterfeiting and the determination of the intellectual property principles” with Prof. Pierre Gasnier and Prof. Maetz Claude-Alberic. This seminar is held at the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court on 24th March 2016.
- Visiting professor lecturing for classes in the master degree program and presenting an academic paper at the International Seminar held by Aix Marseile University in France during 1st to 31st January 2015.
- Speaker of “Giving patent’s protection to oil and gas survey method” in ” seminar of International Trade Law Branch at Faculty of Law, Thammasat University on 14th September 2015.
- Speaker of “Crowdfunding and Intellectual Property” at the seminar held by the Department of Commercial Law on “CROWDFUNDING is the New dimension of investment”. This Seminar was held by Faculty of Law, Thammasat University on 17th May 2016.
- Speaker of Copyright law at the seminar on “Knowing and Understanding Copyrights … Before breaching the law” held by the Department of Intellectual Property and Thammasat University, Lampang Center on 28th January 2016 at 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Speaker of “Innovation Issues in Asia” at the international seminar 2016, Global Innovation Law Summit. It was held by the Faculty of Law, University of Washington , Seattle, USA on 22nd July 2016.
- Speaker of “Law with blockchain Technology” at the seminar on “Blockchain Technology with Legal Services”. This seminar was organised by the Department of International Trade and Hunton & Williams (Thailand) Co., Ltd. at the Faculty of Law, Thammasat University on 17th May 2016.
- Speaker and moderator of “New Norm, Challenges and Impacts on the system of Finance and Investment Law” at the seminar on ” Intellectual Property and International Trade and Driving force of the important trends of the world in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0″ on 20th January 2016 at Plaza Athenee Bangkok Hotel.
- Speaker of the Symposium on the Draft of Cyber Security Act and the Draft of Computer Crimes Act: Backgrounds, Principles and Considerations at the Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Lampang Center, on 24th February 2017.
- Speaker of the Symposium on Liability in the Artificial Intelligence’s infringement on 20th January 2018.
- Speaker of ‘Intellectual Property Protection and Cultural Industries in Thailand” at the International Seminar: CONFERENCE- CULTURAL INDUSTRIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA organized by The Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia and the Wee Kim Wee Centre, the Faculty of Law of Singapore Management University and the National Gallery Singapore in Singapore on 1st February 2018.
- Speaker of the Seminar on Analysis and Restructuring of PTT at the National Institute of Development Administration on 19th February 2018.
- Speaker of the Symposium on the Impact from Modern Technology on Intellectual Property and Association Francophone de la Propriete Intellectuelle (AFPI) at the Faculty of Law Thammasat University on 26th February 2018.
- Visiting lecturers at various educational institutions in Thailand (e.g. Chulalongkorn University, National Institute of Development Administration, Prince of Songkla University, Khon Kaen University, The University of the Thai Chamber Commerce , Payap University, Sripatum University).
- Visiting Lecturers at various educational institutions in foreign countries (e.g. Aix Marseille University in France, Faculty of Law in University of Washington in USA, Singapore Management University (SMU) in Singapore).
Courses Taught
- LA335 Intellectual Property Law
- LA101 Juristic Act and Contract
- LA202 Seminar in Property Law
- LA160 Thai Legal Methodology
- LA260 Skills in Legal Language: Research Writing and Presentation
- LA263 Introduction to French Legal System
- LA303 Civil Law System
- LA344 Economics for Lawyers
- LA269 Introduction to Legal Studies
- LA363 Law and Information Technology
- LA463 International Business Transactions
- SW207 Introduction to Law and Rule of Law
Academic Book and Research Paper
- Academic Book: “Finding a legal scholarship for studying abroad is easy”, winyuchon publishing, Bangkok, Thailand, 2010.
- Academic Book: “Legal Reasoning” Faculty of law, Thammasat, ed.1, Bangkok, Thailand, 2010.
- Academic Book: “Legal consultancy and advocacy ”, Nithitham publishing, ed.2 ,Bangkok ,Thailand, 2013.
- Academic Book: BUTR-INDR, Sith&Bhumindr. “Comparative Study of Political Philosophy”, Siam Publishing, Bangkok, Thailand, 2011.
- Research Paper: “The State and the Efficiency of IPRS Law Enforcement: A Comparative Study between Thailand and France “, 2011.
- Research Paper: “The second phase of the Knowledge Survey Project for a Reformation of Thailand : The Reformation of Thai Justice System” National Health Foundation; Thai Health Promotion Foundation, Bangkok, 2012.
- Academic Book: Butr-Indr, Bhumindr, and Pinyosinwat, Chumpol“History and Concepts of Intellectual Property” Faculty of law, Thammasat, ed.1, Bangkok, Thailand, 2016.
- Research Paper: “Appropriate measures for the protection of cyber-security: A study on the draft of the Cyber Security Act B.E….”, Faculty of law, Thammasat, Bangkok, 2017.
- Bhumindr Butr-Indr et al. University of Washington (UW) – Google Intermediary Liability Research Project: Online Intermediary Liability and Privacy Protection in Thailand, University of Washington School of Law, Center for Advanced Studies and Research on Innovation Policy (CASRIP), Jan 2017, - Research Paper: “Appropriate Measures for the Healthcare Protection: A Case Study of Trademarks and Cigar Cigarette” Tobacco Control Research and Knowledge Management Center, Bangkok, 2017.
Academic Paper
- Academic Paper : “The Litigation on the Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights Vol.1: Preparation for the Litigation”, The Academic Journal of Law number 40 Vol.3, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Bangkok, September, 2011.
- Academic Paper : “The Litigation on the Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights Vol.2 : Bringing an Action”, The Academic Journal of Law Vol.40 No.4, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Bangkok, December, 2011.
- Academic Paper : “The governmental organizations and the Intellectual Property Protection: A Comparative Study of the laws in Thailand and France”, The Academic Journal of Law Vol.36 No.2, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Bangkok, June, 2007.
- Academic Paper: Interpretation of “Intellectual Property Rights infringement’: A structural analysis according to a comparative study of Thai and French laws, The Academic Journal of Law (Bodbundit) Vol.64 No.1, Thai Barrister-At-Law Association, Bangkok, March 2008
- Academic Paper: “Intellectual Property Rights infringement’: A structural analysis of liabilities from a comparative perspective of Thai and French laws”, The Academic Journal of Law Vol.37 No.3, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Bangkok, October 2008
- Academic Paper: “criminal sanctions and the appropriation of Intellectual property rights law”, The Academic Journal of Law Vol.37 No.4, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Bangkok, 2008
- Academic Paper: “PROOF OF DAMAGES IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS LAW INFRINGEMENT: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FRENCH AND THAI LAWS”, The Academic Journal of The Intellectual Property and International Trade Law Forum: Special Issue 2010, The Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court, Bangkok, 2010
- Academic Paper: “The Enforcement Directive 2004/48 CE: Innovation of IPRs Enforcement”, The Academic Journal of Law Year 8 vol.2 December 2008, Faculty of Law, Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, 2008
- English Academic Paper : “Two Dimensions of Thai Justice Institution: When should we moderate our Dogmatism?”, The Academic Journal of Law (Bodbundit) Vol.65 no.1, Thai Barrister-At-Law Association, Bangkok, March 2009
- Academic Paper is published in France : Direction Gilbert Orsoni et Alexis Bugada, L’ Adaptation Des Systèmes Juridiques Thaïlandais Et Français à La Mondialisation. P.U.A.M. Droits, Pouvoirs Et Sociétés. 2013
- Academic paper : “The State and the Intellectual Property Law Enforcement:A Comparative Study of Thailand and France” The Academic Journal of Law (Bodbundit) Vol.69 No.4, Thai Barrister-At-Law Association, Bangkok, December, 2013.
- Academic paper: Butr-Indr, Bhumindr and Songsawat, Jarunon, “Legal proposals on the scope and discretion of the student punishment of teachers”, The Academic Journal of Law Vol.3 No.1, Faculty of Law, Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, August, 2014.
- Academic paper: Butr-Indr, Bhumindr and Krabuansri, Anan, “Analysis of the Draft Amendments of the Civil Procedure Code (No. …) BE (Class Action)”, Analytical and follow-up project of the draft law: Thai Law Watch, October, 2014, Available from:
- Academic paper: “Relationship of Intellectual Property Law and Political Economy Concepts”, Academic Journal of Law No.17, Intellectual Property and International Trade Court, December, 2014.
- Academic paper: “The history of the civil and commercial code preparation in Thailand and the influence of the French law system”, Gather Academic Paper in the 60 th Anniversary of Dr. Khembhum Bhum-Thaworn, Asisstant Professor (Pending Publication)
- Academic paper presented when I was a visiting professor. This paper is pending for the publication in France: “Les sanctions de la contrefacon en matiere de droit d’auteur. P.U.A.M. Droits, Pouvoirs Et Sociétés”, 2016.
- Academic paper: Butr-Indr, Bhumindr and Songsawat, Jarunon, “Giving the people the right to participate in Anti-terrorism through mass organizations established by law”, The Academic Journal of Law (Bodbundit) Vol.72 no.4, Thai Barrister-At-Law Association, Bangkok, October to December, 2016.
- Academic paper: Butr-Indr, Bhumindr and Pongphanpanya, Nuttakarn, “Creating legal exceptions of trademark law for the protection of life or health of human beings: A case study on smooth packaging of tobacco products”, Academic Journal of Law Vol.20, Intellectual Property and International Trade Court, January, 2017.
- Academic paper: Butr-Indr, Bhumindr and Pongphanpanya, Nuttakarn, “Appropriate measures for health protection : A case study of Trademark and Cigarette”, Academic Journal of Health and Public Health Law Vol.3 No.3, 2017.
- Academic paper: Butr-Indr, Bhumindr and et al., “Intermediary liability in connection of the computer network and privacy protection in Thailand”, The Academic Journal of Law (Bodbundit) Vol.73 No.3, Thai Barrister-At-Law Association, Bangkok, July to September 2017.
- Fame Plaque Award on the 30th Anniversary of the Non-Smoking Campaign Foundation 2016. Detail is in the letter of Non-Smoking Campaign Foundation No. มสบ221/2559
- Award from the World Health Organization on World No Tobacco Day 2015 for the tobacco lawsuits pursued by other countries against Thailand regarding the expansion of the warning image on cigarette packages (Legal Advisory Board of the Department of Disease Control)