Chalermwut Sriporm
Assistant professor Dr.

Chalermwut Sriporm
Associate Professor Dr.
- Associate Professor in Private Law, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (Lampang Campus), Thailand, (June 2013 – Present)
- Bachelor of Laws (Second Class Honors), Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Thailand, (2005-2009).
- Master of Laws in Private Law, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Thailand, (2011-2013).
- Master of Laws in International Civil and Commercial Law (Advanced Studies), Leiden Law School, Leiden University, The Netherlands, (2015-2016).
- Ph.D., Leiden Law School, Leiden University, The Netherlands, (2017 – 2023).
Summer School Certificates
- Leyden-Amsterdam-Columbia Summer Program in American Law, Leiden, The Netherlands, (2018).
- Salzburg Summer School in European Private Law, Salzburg, Austria, (2019).
- Munich University Summer Training in German Law and European Law, Online course, (2021).
- Civil Law Foundation’s Summer School of Civil Law, Online course, (2022).
Thesis Topics
- Liability of web service providers for copyright infringement (LL.M.)
- Liability of the Franchisor for Damage caused by the Franchisee: A Comparative Study (LL.M.)
- Franchising Legal Frameworks: A Comparative Study of the DCFR, US Law and Australian Law Regarding Franchise Contracts (Ph.D.)
Areas of Interest
- Law of Obligations (General Principles)
- Law of Contract
- Law of Tort
- Comparative Civil Law
- Franchise Law
- Animal Welfare Law
- Consumer Protection law
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Law and Legal Systems
- Juristic Act and Contract
- Wrongful Acts, Management of Affairs without Mandate and Undue Enrichment
- Law on Commercial Contract 1
- Comparative Private Law
- Seminar in Civil Law 2
- Consumer Protection Law
- Advanced Private Law
- Advanced Business Organizations Law
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “An Analysis of a judgment of Rechbank Amsterdam in Fossielvrij v. KLM: A Case of Greenwashing by KLM” Transport and Maritime Law Journal19 No.28 (2024): 47-56. (Case Note – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Cancelling Consumer Contracts on Account of Personalized Pricing: A Comparative Study of the Laws of Thailand and the Netherlands” Thammasat Law Journal. Vol.52 No.4 (December 2023): 833-876. (Research Article – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Cancelling Consumer Contracts on Account of Personalized Pricing: A Comparative Study of the Laws of Thailand and the Netherlands” Faculty of Law, Thammasat University 2023. (Research – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “The Lessor’s Duty to Repair Properties in a Common Area: A Comparative Examination of the Law of Thailand, the Netherlands, and England” Songklanakarin Law Journal6 No. 1 (July-December 2023): 59-79. (Research Article – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “The Lessor’s Duty to Repair Properties in a Common Area: A Comparative Examination of the Law of Thailand, the Netherlands, and England” Personal Research 2023. (Research – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Franchising Legal Frameworks: A Comparative Study of the DCFR, US law and Australian law regarding franchise contracts” (Meijers-reeks 2023). (Doctoral thesis – English version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Advanced Introduction to Private Law by Jan M. Smits” Thammasat Law Journal. Vol.48 No.2 (June 2019): 389-397. (Book Review – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Civil Liability for Damage Caused by Community Dogs” Law and Local Society Journal2 No.2 (2018): 187-214. (Academic Article – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Reduction of damages in tort on the ground of fairness” Thammasat Law Journal. Vol.47 No.1 (March 2018): 62-80. (Research Article – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Case Analysis: Supreme Court Decision Number 5376/2560” Chulalongkorn Law Journal36 No.1 (March 2018): 155-161. (Case Note – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “A pre-contractual duty to disclose information in franchise agreements.” 2017. (Published in the Proceedings of the 2nd National ‘Thammasat-Nitipat’ Law Conference)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Reduction of damages in tort on the ground of fairness” Faculty of Law, Thammasat University 2017. (Research – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “The Principles of Contract Interpretation.” Bot Bundit: Law Journal of the Thai Bar. Vol.72 No.2 (April-June 2016): 54-82. (Academic Article – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. Liability of the Franchisor for Damage caused by the Franchisee: A Comparative Study. The Master of Laws thesis submitted to Leiden Law School, Leiden University, The Netherlands. (Master thesis – English version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Legal Status of Release.” Thammasat Law Journal. Vol.45 No.1 (March 2016):16-38. (Research Article – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Legal Status of Release.” Faculty of Law, Thammasat University 2015. (Research – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Case Notes: Supreme Court Decision Number 11107/2555 (Interpretation of Contracts).” Thammasat Law Journal. Vol.43 No.2 (June 2014): 456-465. (Case Note – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “The Right of Inheritance of Illegitimate Children Having Recognised by a Will.” Naresuan Law Journal. Vol.7 No.1 (2014): 7-25. (Academic Article – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Juristic act made by drunken person.” Thammasat Law Journal. Vol.42 No.4 (December 2013): 850-870. (Academic Article – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Liability of Web service providers for Copyright Infringement.” Graduate Law Journal. Vol.7 No.3 (September 2013): 11-20. (Academic Article – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Liability of Web service providers for Copyright Infringement.” Master of Laws Thesis, Thammasat University. 2013. (Master Thesis –the Best Master Thesis (Second Prize) 2012 in Sociology – Thai version)
- Chalermwut Sriporm. “Problem of Arbitration in Trade dispute resolution.” TAI Journal of Arbitration. Vol.6 (2011): 139-154. (Academic Article – Thai version)