Jaruprapa Rakpong
Associate Professor Dr.

Jaruprapa Rakpong
Associate Professor Dr.
Associate Prof. Dr. Jaruprapa Rakpong is an associate professor of International Trade Law, the Assistant Dean for International Affairs, and the Director of the LLM Programme in Business Law at Thammasat University, Thailand. She teaches International Trade, European Union Law, and the Law Related to ASEAN economic integration.
Jaruprapa has over 16 years of experience in relation to international trade, WTO, FTAs and ASEAN matters, having advised the government of Thailand and various countries on contemporary trade matters, including ATIGA and WTO compliance, food safety and consumer safety measures, food organic labeling, health claims, health warnings of alcoholic beverages, environmental protection measures such as eco-packaging and labelling of cars, electric appliances and plastic products, supply chain due-diligence and regulatory reform to combat IUU fishing.
- University College London, U.K. (2007-2012) Ph.D. in the European and International Trade Laws The thesis titled “The Regulatory Aspects of EU-Thai Trade Relations in the Area of Food Safety”, focuses on the external impacts of the EU SPS measures on Thai Food Exports Thesis under the supervision of Professor Joanne Scott
- University of Cambridge, U.K. (2005-2006) Focused on International Trade Law Upper second-class honours
- King’s College London, U.K. (2002-2005) Focused on International Trade Law (EU/WTO), Intellectual Property Law First class honours.
- Concord College, Shrewsbury, UK (2000-2002)
Mattayom 6 (Grade 12 Equivalent)
- Chiangmai University Demonstration School, Chiangmai, Thailand (1994-2000)
Year 11 Exchange Programme
- Lucas Heights Community School, NSW, Australia 1997
Work Experience
Membership of professional associations:
- Member of the Executive Committee, Asian Society of International Law (2022-2024)
- Member of Editorial Board, Asian Journal of International Law, Cambridge University Press (2016-present)
Positions in Thailand
- Assistant Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (2022-present)
- Director, Master of Laws Programme in Business Laws, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (English Programme) (2022-present)
- Deputy Director, Thammasat International Trade Law and Economics Programme (Law & Economics), Thammasat University (2021- present)
- Assistant Professorship, International Law Centre, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (2012-present)
- Editor of Thammasat Business Law Journal, Thammasat University Press (2022-present)
- Committee Member and Secretary of Thailand’s Organising Committee for the Fifth Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law 2015, Bangkok, Thailand (2014-2017)
- Committee Member of the Working Group to Monitor Goods and Services, Thailand Consumer Council (September 2024- present)
- Consultant of the Clean Air Drafting Committee, the House of Representatives, Thai Parliament (February – September 2024)
- International Trade Law Expert, Labelling of Alcoholic Beverage Committee – Ministry of Public Health, Thailand (2019-present)
- International Trade Law Consultant, Agricultural and Food Committee Research Working Group, the Knowledge Network Institute of Thailand – Ministry of University Affairs, Thailand (2017- present)
- Assistant Professorship with specialisation in International Trade and International Economic Laws (August 2012 – present)
Positions in International Projects:
- International Trade Law Expert, Controlling and Using of Cannabis Committee – Ministry of Justice, Thailand (2016-2019)
- Senior National Expert of the Project “Southeast Asia Regional Program on Combating Marine Plastics Regional Project: Best Practice Manual for Development of Minimum Standards and Technical Requirements for Plastic Packaging and Labelling” (August – September 2024)
- Senior Country International Trade Expert of the EU-Thailand Cooperation Facility (February-June 2024)
- Senior Expert on International Trade for ARISE PLUS Project (November 2019- January 2023)
- National Consultant for the International Trade Centre to assist Myanmar MSMEs in strengthening their knowledge and export capacity through an understanding of the Thai fisheries market and import requirements (March 2023)
- Senior Non-Key Expert in the ARISE Plus Cambodia Project supporting the Government of Cambodia in complying with transparency obligations under the ATIGA (notification of NTMs and operationalisation tasks relating to the ASEAN Trade Repository and National Trade Repository (March – September 2022)
Public seminars:
- Moderator in ‘Strengthening the Legislative Response to Air Pollution Capacity-Building Dialogue with the Ad-hoc Committee on Clean Air Act in Thailand,’ Inter-Parliamentary Union, Thai Parliament, Bangkok (19 July 2024)
- Moderator in ‘Consumer Online Dispute Resolution in Cross-border E-Commerce of Thailand’, Thammasat University LL.M. in Business Law’s Lunchtime Seminar Series, Bangkok, Thailand (in English) (8 August 2023)
- ‘International Trade Obligations of the US’s Import Bans on Myanmar Gems and Its Implication to the Thai Gem Industry’, The Faculty of International Law, University of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (in English) (11 July 2023)
- The International Trade Centre’s seminar on ‘Thailand’s Import Requirements for Fish and Shellfish Products’ to train MSMEs in Myanmar on Thai import requirements, online (in English) (2 May 2023)
- Chairing Stakeholder Roundtable Discussion and Seminar on ‘The U.S. Sanctions of Gem Enterprises in Myanmar: WTO Obligation and Implications on Thai Exports’, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai) (3 October 2022)
- ‘Use of Force: Past, Present and Future’, speaker on Security Exceptions under Article XXI of the GATT and its relationship with the use of force by states, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai) (23 September 2022)
- Public Training Course on Current Issues of International Law and Free Movement of Goods in ASEAN, provided to the legal staff of the Secretariat of the Senate, The House of Senate, Thai Parliament, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai) (18 May 2022)
- Public Training Course on Current Issues of International Law and Free Movement of Goods in ASEAN, provided to the legal staff of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives, The House of Representatives, Thai Parliament, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai) (28 April 2022)
- ‘EU-Thai FTA Panel’, speaker on various debating issues for the upcoming Thai and EU FTA, Centre of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG), Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand (in English) (16 December 2021)
- Chairing Stakeholder Roundtable Discussion and Seminar on ‘Thailand’s Import Ban of Pork Containing Beta-Agonists: Legality and Compliance with the WTO Law’, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai) (2 June 2021)
- ‘The WTO Rules on Trade in Goods: Balancing Trade and Public Health (in Thai), Online presentation, Centre of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG), Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand (in English) (28 July 2020)
- ‘What’s GSP?, Why did we lose it?”, Faculty of Law, LeTEC Law TU Channel, Thammasat University (in Thai) (30 October 2019)
- Chairing Stakeholder Roundtable Discussion on ‘Problems relating to IUU Fishing…The Lifting of the Yellow Card and What’s Next?’, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai and in English) (6 August 2019)
- ‘Impacts of the EU IUU Regulation on Thailand and Vietnam; Effects of Time and Power on the Transformation of Third Counties’ Fishery Law’, ‘Workshop on “Asia and the Global Reach of EU Law” (presented with Associate Professor Dr. Yoshiko Naiki of Osaka University), European University Institute, Florence, Italy (in English) (3-13 June 2019)
- Chairing Stakeholder Roundtable Discussion on ‘Impacts of the EU IUU Regulation on Thailand’, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai) (27 April 2019)
- Public Training of ‘The Interpretation of ASEAN Economic Law’, Training provided to the ASEAN Community Centre, the Royal Thai Parliament, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai) (31 May 2017)
- ‘Cigarettes and the WTO Law’, speaker on cigarette plain packaging and WTO members’ obligations under the WTO law, the WHO’s Tobacco and Trade Workshop, the World Health Organisation, Shangri-la Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai and in English) (24-26 November 2014)
- Public Training of ATIGA and Principles relating to AEC’s “Free Movement of Goods”, Training of Legal Aspects and Application in ASEAN Economic Community, Provided to the Office of Civil Service Commission, Prince Palace Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai) (29 October 2014)
- ‘Thailand’s Implementation of Public Health Legislations for International Health Regulation (IHR) 2005: challenges and ways forward, speaker on trade and public health issues in South-East Asian countries, as well as the intertwining issues regarding the WTO and the WHO the World Health Organisation’s Regional Workshop on Public Health Legislation for IHR, Yangon, Myanmar (in English) (8-10 April 2013)
- ‘WTO Rules on Food Safety Measures- Balancing Trade and Public Health, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia (in English) (8 March 2013)
- Chairing Stakeholder Roundtable Discussion on ‘EU-Thai FTA and Access to Medicine’, the Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai) (11 February 2013)
- ‘SPS Agreement and Food Safety Strategies: lessons learnt from Thailand’, speaker on interesting WTO Obligations to commemorate Laos’s accession to the WTO, the Faculty of Law, National University of Laos, Vientiane, Laos (in Thai) (29 January 2013)
- With Thanaphat Chartinakrob, “Regulatory Approaches to Alcohol Beverage Labelling for Policy Development in Thailand”, Thammasat University Research and Consultant Institute, September 2024
- With Amnart Tangkiriphimarn, “Country Report – International Trade and Investment Law of Thailand”, Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, Edward Elgar Publishing (2023)
- With Nessara Sukpanich, “Compliance of the U.S. Sanctions of Gem Enterprises from Myanmar under the Obligations of the WTO Law: Its Implications on Thai Gems and Jewelry Exports to the U.S.” (2023)
- With Yoshiko Naiki, “EU-Third Country Dialogue on IUU Fishing: The Transformation of Thailand’s Fishery Laws”, Transnational Environmental Law, Cambridge University Press (2022)
- Jaruprapa Rakpong, “Thailand’s Import Ban of Pork and Pork Products Containing Beta-Agonists: Legality and Compliance with the WTO Law” (Thai language) (Bangkok, Duean-tula Press, 2021)
- Jaruprapa Rakpong, “What’s GSP? What’s next for Thailand and Thai Exporters” (Thai language) (Bangkok, the Standard, 2019)
- Jaruprapa Rakpong, “Important Principles concerning Free Movement of Goods under the Law of the European Union” (Thai language) (Bangkok, Thammasat University Press, 2019)
- Through Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute (TU-RAC), “Compilation and Translation of Thai Law related to Energy Industry”, the Energy Regulatory Commission, Volume 3 (Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute) (2018)
- Through Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute (TU-RAC), “Compilation and Translation of Thai Law related to Energy Industry”, Energy Regulatory Commission, Volume 2. (Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute) (2015)
- Jaruprapa Rakpong, “WTO Law: Interpretation and Analyses of Important Provisions”, (Thai language) 2nd Edition (Bangkok, Thammasat University Press (2017)
- Jaruprapa Rakpong, “The Analysis of Problems regarding Thai Food Safety Regulations”, (Thai language) (2013), Vol 42(1), Thammasat Law Journal, Vol 42 (1) 94-114