Lasse Schuldt
Assistant Professor Dr.

Lasse Schuldt
Assistant Professor Dr.
Lasse Schuldt joined the Faculty of Law of Thammasat University as a full-time member in 2015. His research focuses on fundamental rights, corporate and business crime, and international criminal law in Southeast Asia. He teaches courses in corporate crime, international criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, and German law. He received his undergraduate education and his doctoral degree in criminal law at Humboldt University Berlin. On exchange, he studied at the University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne. Holding the full qualification for judicial office in Germany, he practiced as an attorney prior to joining the faculty. A native German, his working languages are English and Thai.
- Undergraduate: Faculty of Law, Humboldt University Berlin
- Exchange: Faculty of Law, University of Paris I PanthÃĐon-Sorbonne
- First & Second State Examination (Berlin-Brandenburg)
- Doctor Iuris: Faculty of Law, Humboldt University Berlin
Thesis Topics
Lasse Schuldt, Geheimnisverrat. Die Beteiligung von Journalisten an der Verletzung von Dienstgeheimnissenâ [The Criminal Liability of Journalists Regarding the Disclosure of State Secrets] (Doctoral Thesis), Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2011,
Work ExperienceÂ
- Until 2014: Licensed attorney, Berlin
- 2014-15: Lecturer, Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University
- 2015-20: Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University; DAAD Lecturer, German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG)
- Since 2020: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University
Areas of Interest
- Corporate and business crimes
- International criminal law
- Comparative constitutional and human rights law
- Law and technology
Courses Taught
- Business Crimes
- Advanced Criminal Law
- International Criminal Law
- Constitutional and Administrative Law
- Introduction to German Law
- Introduction to Law and Legal Systems
- Legal Communication Skills
Peer-reviewed articles:
- Lasse Schuldt, Layered Localization of International Human Rights Law: Signaling and Contestation in the Context of Thailand, 23 Journal of Human Rights (2024) 404-419,
- Lasse Schuldt, Driving Irritation: Thailand’s Supreme Court and the English Roots of Corporate Criminal Liability, 19 Asian Journal of Comparative Law (2024) 142-158,
- Lasse Schuldt and Pudit Ovattananavakhun, Thailandâs Law on Criminal Online Falsehoods: A Critical Discussion, 1 Thai Legal Studies (2021) 150-172,
- Lasse Schuldt, Official Truths in A War on Fake News: Governmental Fact-Checking in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, 40 Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs (2021) 340-371,
- Lasse Schuldt, Publishing Secrets: A Case Study on the Balancing of Press Freedom and Public Interests in European Human Rights Jurisprudence, 48 Thammasat Law Journal (2019) 760-789,
- Lasse Schuldt, E-Justice in Germany: Current Developments and Future Challenges for Court Procedures, 47 Thammasat Law Journal (2018) 1019-1051,
- Lasse Schuldt, Mixed Signals of Europeanization: Revisiting the NPD Decision in Light of the European Court of Human Rightsâ Jurisprudence, 19 German Law Journal (2018) 817-844,
- Lasse Schuldt, Southeast Asian Hesitation: ASEAN Countries and the International Criminal Court, 16 German Law Journal (2015) 75-104,
Other articles:
- Lasse Schuldt, Review of Ronnakorn Bunmee: Thai Criminal Law, 4 Thai Legal Studies (2024) 255-259,
- Lasse Schuldt and Supakorn Wilartratsami, The Jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court 2021, 2 Thai Legal Studies (2022) 138-158,
- Lasse Schuldt and Pimtawan Nidhi-u-tai, The Supreme Court Jurisprudence on Corporate Criminal Liability 2010-2020, 1 Thai Legal Studies (2021) 173-181,
- Lasse Schuldt, The German Rechtsstaat in Exceptional Times: Democracy, Federalism and Rights During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Rapee Journal 2020, Thammasat University, 121-137
- Constantin Frank-Fahle and Lasse Schuldt, GeschÃĪftspartner-Compliance und KorruptionsprÃĪvention im internationalen Anlagenbau: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, Auswirkungen von Compliance-VerstÃķÃen und SchutzmaÃnahmen [Third party compliance and bribery prevention in international construction projects: Legal frameworks, consequences of compliance breaches and protective measures], 42 Zeitschrift fÞr deutsches und internationales Bau- und Vergaberecht [Journal of German and International Construction and Procurement Law] (2018) 419-431
- Lasse Schuldt, Searching for the Leak: Press Freedom vs. Criminal Prosecution in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, CPG Online Magazine, Vol. 6/2017, 24-41,
- Lasse Schuldt, May Political Parties Be Hostile to the Constitution? â The NPD decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court put into context, Rapee Journal 2017, Thammasat University, 114-139
- Lasse Schuldt, Decision Review: German Federal Court of Justice Approves Conviction of Ex-Auschwitz Officer, CPG Online Magazine, Vol. 6/2016, 28-35,
- Lasse Schuldt, Constitutional Court Decision Review: Balancing Religious Freedom and State Neutrality, CPG Online Magazine, Vol. 3/2015, 51-63,
Book chapters:
- Lasse Schuldt, Shaping the Fake News Discourse: Laws, Electoral Arenas and the Emergence of Truth as a Public Interest, in James Gomez and Robin Ramcharan, Fake News and Elections in Southeast Asia, Impact on Democracy and Human Rights, Routledge 2022, 16-44,
- Lasse Schuldt, Contested Words â On the Legality of Governmental Statements Against Political Parties. Reflections on Recent Developments in German Constitutional Jurisprudence, in Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, 65 Years Boonsri Meewongukote, Bangkok 2020, 262-300
- Lasse Schuldt, Geheimnisverrat. Die Beteiligung von Journalisten an der Verletzung von Dienstgeheimnissenâ [The Criminal Liability of Journalists Regarding the Disclosure of State Secrets] (Doctoral Thesis), Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2011,
Articles in law blogs:
- Lasse Schuldt, Every Fake You Make: Blanket Deepfake Bans Are the Next Level in Asiaâs War on Fake News, VerfBlog, 2024/10/09,
- Lasse Schuldt, In Singaporeâs war on fake news, the Constitution is not an obstacle, VerfBlog, 2021/11/16,
- Lasse Schuldt, The rebirth of Malaysiaâs fake news law â and what the NetzDG has to do with it, VerfBlog, 2021/4/13,
- Lasse Schuldt, No More Need for Doublespeak. On Myanmar and the Evolution of Non-Interference in ASEAN, VerfBlog, 2021/3/19,
- Lasse Schuldt, The Conviction of Maria Ressa and the Unequal Enforcement of the Truth, VerfBlog, 2020/6/22,
- Lasse Schuldt, Abstract panic: On fake news, fear and freedom in Southeast Asia, VerfBlog, 2020/4/14,
- Lasse Schuldt, Truth vs. Free Speech. How Southeast Asiaâs war on fake news unfolds, VerfBlog 2019/12/7,
- Lasse Schuldt, Hello â and Goodbye! How Royal Powerplay aborted Malaysiaâs ICC Membership, VerfBlog 2019/5/12,
- Lasse Schuldt, A Ministry of Truth in Singapore? Reflections on the Anti-Fake News Bill, VerfBlog, 2019/4/20,
- Lasse Schuldt, A Look behind the Fake News Laws of Southeast Asia, VerfBlog, 2018/12/16,
- Lasse Schuldt, Bye bye, ICC! The Philippinesâ farewell put into perspective, VerfBlog, 2018/3/15,