Pokpong Srisanit
Associate Professor Dr.

Pokpong Srisanit
Associate Professor Dr.
As an Associate Professor of Law and the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Thammasat University in Thailand, I also serve as the Legal Advisor for the Office of Tobacco Control under the Ministry of Public Health since 2009. My involvement in the litigation in the case of tobacco control began, when the international tobacco industries challenged the regulation requiring 85% Graphic Health Warnings on cigarette packages. As a member of the Legal Team, we worked diligently until the Thai Administrative Court allowed the implementation of the 85% Graphic Health Warning in Cigarette sold in Thailand. Our efforts were recognized with the “World No Tobacco Day 2015” award from the World Health Organization. In 2016, I joined the Expert Group in the preparation of the WHO FCTC Article 19 Civil Liability Toolkit.
Additionally, I have held the position of Vice President in the Committee responsible for drafting the Tobacco Product Control Act 2017 and participated in the Committee for consideration of the Draft of Tobacco Product Control Act 2017 at the National Assembly. Currently, I am a member of the National Board of Tobacco Control and serve as the President of the sub-committee in legal affairs.
My expertise is in the Civil law system, particularly in the field of tobacco control law. I have practical experience handling cases related to the tobacco control. I am proficient in both English and French. I am committed to actively contributing to the expert group, and I can assure that my participation will not create any conflict of interest.
- LL.B. (first class honour) Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- Thai barrister-at-law
- LL.M. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- D.E.A. (Sciences pénales et Sciences criminologiques, Mention Assez Bien), Université Aix-Marseille III, France
- Docteur en Droit (Mention très honorable avec félicitation du jury à l’unanimité), Université Aix- Marseille III, France
Thesis Topics
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure Law
- Criminal Justice
- International Criminal Law
- Tobacco Control Law
- Human Rights law
Work Experience
Current position
- Dean and Associate Professor at the Faculty of law, Thammasat University
- Member of the National board of tobacco control
- President of the sub-committee in legal affairs, the National Board of Tobacco Control
- Member of sub-committee in research, the National Commission of Anti-Corruption
- Member of the Committee on revision of Penal Code, Office of the Council of State
- Member of the Committee on revision of child and youth law, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
- 2016 Expert group on Article 19 of the WHO FCTC “liability”
- 2017 Committee for consideration of the Draft Tobacco Product Control Law 2017, National Assembly
- 2016-2019 Associate Dean in research
- 2014-2016 Sub-committee of the Election Commission
- 2013-2016 Assistant to the Rector in legal affaire
- 2012-2013 Assistant to the Rector in the administration (Tra Prachan Campus)
- 2010-2012 Assistant to the Rector in the academic affaires
- 2009-2010 Legal Advisor of the Prime Minister of Thailand
- 2009-2010 Assistant to the Rector in the student affaires
- 2007-2008 Sub-Committee of the National Legislation
- “Repressive and Rehabilitative Measures to Combat Drug Crimes in Thailand” in China-ASEAN Criminal Law Forum, Guangxi University for Nationalities, China, December 2019. pp.53-57.
- “Les modes alternatifs aux poursuites en procès pénal thaïlandais” in Colloque régional sur « Les Réformes Juridiques en Asie du Sud-Est : vers une société contractuelle et évolutive » Faculté de Droit, Université Thammasat, 21 décembre 2018.
- “Use of Effective Monetary Sanctions to Deter Corruption in Thailand” in Tackling Financial Crimes, Various International Perspectives, Faculty of law, University of Surabaya, Indonesia, 2017, pp.347-354.
- “L’Assistance Juridique En Matière Pénale”, in Colloque régional sur la justice sociale, Faculté de Droit, Université Thammasat, décembre 2014.
- “Les droits de la defense en Procedure Penale Thailandaise” in L’adaptation des systemes juridiques thailandaise et francaise a la mondialisation. Presse Universitaire Aix-Marseille, 2013.
- Economic Analysis of Thai Criminal Law, Visiting Professor in Summer School 2013 at University of Jember, Indonesia, 3/7/2013.
- La Justice des Mineurs en Thailande, Seminaire Regional sur la justice des mineurs, 29/6/2012, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Actual Issues of Criminal Procedure law Reform in Thailand, by German-Southeast Asia Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG) 22 November 2012
Publications in Thai (partly)
- Drafting of Serious Offenders Act 2022, Office of the Justice Affaires, Ministry of Justice, 2022.
- Book, International Criminal Law, second edition, Faculty of law – Thammasat University, 2021.
- Book, Human Rights in Criminal Justice, – Winyuchon, 2020.
- Book, Advanced Criminal Law, third edition, Winyuchon, 2020.
- Tobacco Law in Thailand : Laws, cases and Comments, 2012.
- Criminal Forfeiture, The Office of Attorney General, 2014.
- Justice system and Political Violent incidents : problems and solutions, TRLC, 2012.
- Cheque and National Cheque Information Center Bill, Council of State of Thailand, 2012.
- Justice Fund Bill, National Health Foundation, 2011.
- Economic analysis of Criminal law in Thailand, faculty of law journal, Thammasat University 2010.
- Economic analysis of criminal law and criminal justice, TDRI, 2010.
- Measure of implementation to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, Ministry of Justice, 2010.
- Readiness of Thailand to be Party of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, Ministry of Justice, 2009.
- Globalisation and International Criminal Law, Office of Court of Justice of Thailand, 2009.
- Individualisation of punishment, Bodbundit Journal, 2007.
- Role of the victim in criminal procedure, Faculty of Law, 2007.
- “World No Tobacco Day 2015” from the World Health Organization