Surasak Boonrueang
Associate Professor Dr.

Surasak Boonrueang
Associate Professor Dr.
- Doctor of Philosophy (Nature Conservation Law), University of Dundee, UK (2020)
- Master of Environmental Law, University of Sydney, Australia (2016)
- Master of Laws (Natural Resources and Environmental Law), Thammasat University) Thailand (2012)
- Bachelor of Laws (Second class Honor) (Thammasat University) Thailand (2009)
Work Experience
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (2022 – Present)
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (2017- 2022)
- Lecture in Law at Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (2010 – 2017)
- Legal Officer, Council of State Office of Thailand, (2010)
Areas of Interest
- Environmental Law
- Land Use Regulation
- Property Law
- Law of Torts
- Surasak Boonrueang, Nature Conservation Law 1: General Principles and Forest Conservation (October Press 2022).
- Surasak Boonrueang, Nature Conservation Law 2: Area and Species Conservation (October Press 2022)
Research Papers
- Surasak Boonrueang and others, ‘The Comprehensive Study for Upgrading Roles of the Office of the National Land Policy Board’ research paper prepared for the Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute, presented to the Office of the National Land Policy Board (2024). (in Thai)
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘Law and Policy Recommendations for Tightening Elephant Ivory Trade Laws in Thailand’ Final Project Report Submitted to World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Thailand (2021).
- Nondh Nuchmorn and Surasak Boonrueang, ‘The Cost of Regulating the Ivory Trade in Thailand’ Final Project Report Submitted to World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Thailand (2018).
- Amnaj Wongbandit and others, ‘Project of Preparing the Draft Regulations under the Nuclear Energy for Peace Ac BE 2559 (2016)’ research paper prepared for Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute, presented to Office of Atoms for Peace (2018). (in Thai)
- Amnaj Wongbandit and others, ‘The Project for Study of Laws and Regulations on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of ASEAN Countries’ research paper prepared for Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute, presented to PTT Public Company Limited (2015). (in Thai).
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘The Roles of Governmental Bodies and Citizen to Preserve and Protect Wildlife’ research paper submitted to Center for Legal Research, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, January (2014). (in Thai)
- Amnaj Wongbandit and others, ‘Thai Mining Law Reform’ research paper prepared for the Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute, presented to Department of Fundamental Industry and Mining (2013). (in Thai)
- Amnaj Wongbandit and others, ‘Regulation of Factories and Hazardous Substance Business (research paper (Phase 2))’ prepared for Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute, presented to the Department of Industrial Works (2012). (in Thai)
Journal Articles
- Surasak Boonrueang and Colin T Reid, ‘Conservation Agreements and Environmental Governance: The Role of Non-Governmental Actors’ (April 2021) 30(1) Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 118.
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘The Right to Clean Air under Thai Laws: The Status Quo and a Future Outlook’ (2021) 50(1) Thammasat Law Journal, 118. (in Thai)
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘Terrestrial Biodiversity Conservation Law in Thailand: A Preliminary Illustration of Applicable Laws and Their Limitations’ (2019) 12 Naresuan Law Journal 23.
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘Legal Control of Prohibited Trees under the Forest Act BE 2484’ Academic article published in the Memorial Book for 60th Year of Professor Narong Jaiharn (Faculty of Law Thammasat University, 2018), 456. (in Thai)
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘Environmental Criminal Offences under the Thai Legal System’ Academic Paper Published in the Memorial Book for 60th Year of Professor Surasak Likasitwattanakul (Faculty of Law Thammasat University, 2018), 267- (in Thai)
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘Right to Cause Air Pollution under the Thai Legal System’ (2018) 47 Thammasat Law Journal 114. (in Thai)
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘Does the Legal Doctrine of Adverse Possession Contradict to the Fundamental Right under the Thai Constitution?’ (2017) 46 Thammasat Law Journal 217. (in Thai)
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘Legal Implications of the Recognition of Sustainable Development under the Thai Constitution on the Conducting of Public Services of Local Governments’ (2017) 21 Thammasat Law Association Journal 33. (in Thai)
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘Legal Aspect of a Duty to Respect a national Anthem’ (2017) 46 Thammasat Law Journal, 614. (in Thai)
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘A Legal Proposal for the Creation of Conservation Agreements in Thailand: A Comparative Study’ Doctorate Degree Dissertation, University of Dundee.
- Surasak Boonrueang, ‘Problems on Liability for Damage Against Natural Resources under Article 97 of the Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act B.E. 2535’ Master of Laws Dissertation, Thammasat University, Excellent Dissertation Award of Thammasat University, 2012. (in Thai)
Trainings and conference presentation
- Conference presentation ‘Roles of Governmental and Non-Governmental Actors Involved in Conservation Agreement Governance’ in 5th International Symposium on Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development, University of New England (Australia) April, 2019.
- Training on Human Rights Class, ‘Transformational Justice and Environmental Protection’ Held by University of Leiden, The Netherland, July, 2018.
- Conference presentation ‘A Combined Regulatory Approach for Biodiversity Conservation” in ISSR 2018 – Governance, Policy and Regulation Panel on 12th June 2018, at University of Dundee, UK.
- Conference presentation ‘A Legal Model of Conservation Agreements for Agricultural Land Biodiversity Conservation in Thailand’ in the Symposium: Global Challenges Research Fund and Sustainable Development Goals, May, 2018, University of Dundee, UK.
- Conference presentation ‘The Development of a Legal Framework for the Implementation of Conservation Agreements: A Preliminary Survey’ in National Conference “Nitipat – Thammasat” January, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Conference presentation ‘The Proposal to Develop and Recognize water rights in Thai Legal System’ in National Conference “Nitipat – Thammasat” January, 2016 Bangkok, Thailand.