Thitirat Thipsamritkul
Assistant Professor

Thitirat Thipsamritkul
Assistant Professor
Education and Training
- Logic and Opinion Writing (JS621), National Judicial College, Las Vegas (sponsored by the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Section at US Embassy Bangkok)
- Stanford Innovative Teaching Scholars Program, the Stanford Thailand Research Consortium (STRC), Thailand
2020 – 2021
- Rule of Law and Development (RoLD 2020) & TIJ-IGLP Workshop, TIJ & IGLP Harvard Law School, Thailand
- Regional Workshop on Teaching of IHL, by ICRC, Thailand
- Summer Course, Seoul Academy of International Law, South Korea
- Summer Course (PIL), the Hague Academy of International Law, the Netherlands
2012 – 2013
- School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK
(LL.M. in Law, Development and Governance, Dissertation on “New Governance to Enhance Equality Rights:
Lessons Learned from the EU Model of New Governance to Answer the Challenge of ASEAN”)
2012 – 2014
- Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS), Kobe University, Japan *Double Degree Program
(LL.M. in International Law program, GPA 3.7, Dissertation on “ILO’s Promotion of International Labour Standards to Protect Migrant Workers: An Example of ASEAN Community” [JP])
2008 – 2012
- Kyoto University, Japan (LL.B., GPA 3.3, Participated Seminars: Asian Area Studies, Law of International Organisation, Public International Law, Analysis of International Political Economy)
2009 – 2010
- Exchange program in Faculty of Law, University of Strasbourg, France
2005 – 2008
- Tokyo Gakugei University Senior High School, Japan
2003- 2005
- Asia Bunka Kyokai (ABK) Japanese Language Course, Japan
2003 – 2014
- the Royal Thai Government Scholarship (High School – LL.M.)
2000 – 2003
- Sa-nguanying Suphanburi Secondary School, Thailand (Middle School)
Internship and Volunteer
- Volunteer judge at Chula Legal Tech competition
- Volunteer judge at Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court, Global Round
- Volunteer judge at 2021 Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court
- Internship at Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Thailand)
- Internship at Office of the Council of State (Thailand)
- Internship at Permanent Delegation of Thailand to UNESCO (France)
Work Experience
- Lecturer, Faculty of Law (Center of International Law), Thammasat University (TULaw), Thailand (From 7/2014)
- Director at Centre of Japanese Legal Studies (From 2021)
- Member of OECD Expert Community Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) (From 2024)
- Member of Subcommittee on Drafting Digital Platform Act at Council of State (From 2024)
- Member of Parliamentary Committee on AI (From 2024)
- Member of Subcommittee on Integrative Enforcement of Laws on Technological and National Security Crimes (From 2023)
- Advisor of Working Group for National Data Governance Standards at DGA (From 2023)
- Coach of Thammasat Moot Teams for international moot court competition (From 2014)
- Fellow at Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI) (From 2021)
- Guest lecturer for training programs at administrative court and court of justice on PDPA (From 2020)
- Chairperson of Amnesty International Thailand (2020-2023)
- Advisor of Thai Journalists Association’s capacity building program for journalist “Globalization in the New Media Pradigm” (From 2023-2024)
- Member of Subcommittee on Early Childhood Data Governance (2022-2023)
- Member of Subcommittee for National Primary Healthcare System Development (From 2020-2022)
- Member of Working Group for National Data Governance Standards (2022)
- Committee Member of Thammasat Japanese Studies Centre (From 2021)
- Member of Thailand Data Protection Commission (selected in 2020, withdrawn)
- Visiting scholar at ANU (National Law School Network Program) (12/2019-1/2020)
- Expert consultant to the drafting committee of Thailand Data Protection Law (2019)
- Member of the Fundamental Rights and Media Reform Committee under the Thai Journalists Association (2018)
- Consultant for Total Access
- Communication PLC on privacy issue (2017)
- Coordinator for Thailand IHL Role Play and Moot Court (2016-2022)
Areas of Interest
- Global governance
- Non-state actors and international law
- Human rights
- Privacy
- Online freedom
- Law and technology
Courses Taught
- Public International Law
- Human Rights
- Mass Communication Law and Ethics
- Skills in Legal Language
- Digital Skills International Community and International Law
- Laws and Regulation in Design Practice, Law and Technology
- Moot Court
- Introduction to Japanese Legal System
- International Law and Regional Architecture in the Asia-Pacific Alternative Dispute Settlement (Negotiation Part)
- (Editorial Team) Data Privacy Playbook: A Lawyer’s Guide in the Digital Age (HRLAxABA, 2024) [TH]
- Book Chapter “Protecting Individuals in the International Battle of State v Digital Platforms: The Importance of Business and Human Rights Approach” (forthcoming) in KGRI Book Project on State-Digital Platform Relations
- “Parliamentary Monitoring Organisations in Thailand” (forthcoming), Melbourne Asia Review
- “Evolution of Tech Regulation in the Digital Economy: Spotlight on Southeast Asia (Thailand)”, Tech for Good Foundation
- “Cyber Scam: Impacts and Existing Problems”, TULAW e-newsletter No.9
- Thailand Artificial Intelligence Guidelines 1.0 (Chulanlogkorn University Press, 2022) [TH] funded by ETDA
- Thailand Data Protection Guideline 3.0 (Chulanlogkorn University Press, 2020) [TH]
- Thailand Data Protection Guideline 2.0 (Chulalongkorn University Press, 2019) [TH]
- Book translation of Vaughan Lowe, Very Short Introduction : International Law (OUP 2015) [TH]
- Thailand Data Protection Guideline 1.0 (Chulanlogkorn University Press, 2018) [TH]
- “Personal Data Protection Law and Privacy Protection in Digital World”, ‘Dullapah’ (Court of Justice Journal) Vol.2 [TH]
- “Arguments on Introducing Self-regulation Regime for Controlling of Internet Contents: Problems of Notice and Takedown Mechanism under Computer Crimes Act B.E. 2560”, (EDTA, 2017) [TH]
- “Trust as a Currency in the Digital Economy” in Thai-American Business Magazine Vol.4
- “Legal Variety : Observations on Ministerial Notification of MDES concerning Spam”, Thammasat Law Journal Vol.3 [TH]
- Contents and Exams creator for “Human Rights” and “Culture” in BOOTCAMP Application for High School Students [TH]
- Book translation of A. Clapham, Very Short Introduction: Human Rights (OUP 2014) [TH]
- “Facebook’s Real Name Policy: the Real Regulator” in Thainetizen, Who Governs the New World [TH]
- Book review of Labour Law and Global Trade by B. Hepple (2006) in Thammasat Law Journal 2016 [TH]
Research Projects
- “Moonshot Research and Development Program – Self-information Control and the Use of Artificial Intelligence” funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency
- “Regulations, Measure and Standard relating to Artificial Intelligence” funded by Office of the National Digital Economy and Society Commission [TH]
- “Guide to Comply with Media Ethics” funded by Thai Public Broadcasting Service (Thai PBS) [TH]
- “Study and Preparation for Subsidiary Rules under PDPA” [TH] funded by Personal Data Protection Commission Office
- “Thai International Digital Vaccine Certificate : Requirements & Feasibility Assessment for A Pilot Project at The Thai Department of Disease Control”, funded by British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
- “Internet Studies” (Part: Literature Review of Digital Privacy) funded by Thailand Research Fund [TH]
- “Proposal for Thailand Internet Governance” with Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University [TH]
- Research project for ETDA Training Program on “Digitalisation for Thailand 4.0 : Technology Security and Law” [TH]
- Research project for NBTC-TU-UPENN Training Program on “Communications and Digital Economy” [TH]
- “Criminal Victim Support System in Japan” with Royal Thai Police Headquarters [TH]
- “Environmental Dimension in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the drafting Thai-EU FTA” with Economic Research and Training Center (ERTC), Thammasat University [TH]
- “The APEC Privacy Framework and Thailand’s Possibility to Ratify” with TU-RAC [TH]
Public Lectures / Seminars / Workshop / Symposiu
- Teaching workshop on “Human Rights in Contemporary World” for parliamentary members in “Policy and Political Communications Research Project” by PTP Academy [TH]
- Teaching “Human Rights” in “Democratic Knowledge for Teachers” Program by The Progressive Movement Foundation [TH]
- Teaching “Drafting a Digital Bill of Rights: collaborative effort to elevate global digital rights protection” for HRLAxABA
- Commentator for Center for Gambling Studies’ research result on “Designing Safe Society in Responding to Online Threat” [TH]
- Speaker and commentator at Seminar “Litigation in Digital Age: Cybersecurity and Data Protection” [TH]
- Speaker at ASIL Japanese Chapter Study Group on “The Future of AI Governance” [JP]
- Speaker and Commentator at The 1st International Law Education Conference, Project “CoLabIL”, at APU [JP]
- Panelist at Judicial Training Istitute – The Series Seminar#2 “Updating on Generative AI – Legal Issues” [TH]
- Melbourne
- Privacy Flyout
- Panelist at Research and Policy Dialogue “(In)security in the New World” seminar by 101pub [TH]
- Panelist at “Human Rights in Financial Institutes”, by EXIM bank [TH]
- Commentator on RSA’s Research “The inequality of access to pragnency termination service post-amendment of abortion” [TH]
- Teaching “Generative AI Tools for Legal Research” for Burapha University Postgraduate Law Students [TH]
- Teaching “Civic Participation and Transparency of Policy Decision Making” for Bangkok Metropolitan Officers [TH]
- Teaching “Privacy Law” for Lawyer Association’s trainning program [TH]
- Panelist at KGRI’s International seminar on digital platforms and new network order on “States vs DPFs: Where are individuals in this battle?” held by Keio Universtiy
- Moderator at “Generative AI: The possiblities and the impacts” held by STelligence [TH]
- Panelsit at Asia-Pacific Conference on Internet Freedom on “Legal advocacy to defending internet freedom: Case studies and lessons learned from Thailand” held by Article19 & OHCHR
- Panelist at Pridi Taks#19 on “Human Rights and Gender Equality in Thai Constitution” held by Pridi Banomyong Institute [TH]
- Panelist at DigiTech ASEAN Thailand 2022 on “Positive and Negative Aspects of AI Regulation by Government” [TH]
- Presenting at International Conference: Regulating Fake News and Rule of Law in Asia on “Fake News during Covid-19 era in Thailand: Disruption of Freedom of Expression and the Rule of Law” held by National Tsing Hua University Institute of Law for Science and Technology and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation
- Commentator at “Pilot training on principles of use of force and firearms” held by UNODC [TH]
- Panelist at APEC Study Centre Consortium Conference 2022 (ASCCC 2022) “Digital Security and Fake News” hosted by Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)” on “Combatting Information Disorder: Collaborating and Conflicting Roles of States and Multinational Enterprises”
- Panelist at “PDPA and Digital Rights” held by Digital Thinkers Forum [TH]
- Facilitatar at “Workshop to Draft Guideline of Good Judgment Writing” held by Office of the Chief Judge of Region 5
- Panelist at “APAC Privacy Landscape Call Latest Data Protection Developments in Thailand” held by Future of Privacy Forum
- Panelist at “A Dialogue with women activists and women human rights defenders on Digital Safety and Inclusion” hosted by the Embassy of Canada
- Panelist at Foreign Corresponding Club of Thailand (FCCT) on “Thailand’s New NPO Bill”
- Panelist at International Human Rights Day Event “Surveilling the Internet: Digital Surveillance and Human Rights in Thailand” held by International Commission of Jurist (ICJ) and German Embassy in Bangkok
- Presenting at NCCU Asia Legal Studies Online Workshop “Awareness without Law: the Impact of Delaying Thailand Personal Data Protection Act”
- Panelist at DigitalxADB “To Be or to Become a Privacy Regulator in Asia in the 2020s: What Challenges, What Roles for International Cooperations” held by Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Future for Privcay (FFP)
- Panelist “Looking Ahead: Digital Service Platforms Decree and the Future of Thailand’s Digital Economy” held by Asia Group
- Panelist at RoLD Virtual Forum “Flip-side of the Game: Overcoming Digital Challenges with the Rule of Law” held by TIJ [TH]
- Panelist at “The Effect of Regulations on Film Industry” held by Film Archive (Public Organisation) and UNESCO [TH]
- Panelist at “The Social Question: Ethics and Social Media” held by ComLit Chula [TH]
- Speaker at “TDRI Annual Conference” on the topic of “Smart State and Data System” held by TDRI [TH]
- Panelist at “Microsoft Future Talk : Privacy v Security” held by Microsoft Thailand [TH]
- Presenting “Data Privacy in the Time of COVID-19: Thailand’s Update” at IIC Thailand Chapter Webinar
- Moderator at series of “Thailand’s Policy Community on Platform Economy 2: Platform Economy and Thailand’s Competitiveness” held by FES, TDRI and CRISP [TH]
- Speaker at “Observations from Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act: the Influences of Transnational Standards on Local Legislations” held by ANU, College of Law
- Panelist at “The Thai Personal Data Protection Act and Its Draft Implementing Rules and Regulation” held by CPG, Asian Governance Foundation (AGF) and Facebook
- Speaker at Young Digital CEO Program on “Digital Law and Regulation” held by DEPA [TH]
- Panelist at Digital Thinkers Forums #1 “Good ID and Privacy : Who/What should we trust?” held by ChangeFusion [TH]
- Speaker at “IHL and Human Rights”, The 14th Southeast and Northeast (SNAS) Session on International Humanitarian Law
- Panelist at “Smart Cities and Digital Culture” held by King Prajadhipok”s Institute [TH]
- Panelist at “Workshop: Public Policy in Handling Mis/Disinformation in Digital Era”, International Conference on Fake News
- Speaker at “Data Protection Workshop: Thai Data Protection Law and GDPR” for EXIM [TH]
- Panelist at “The Right To Be Forgotten and Victims of Online Journalism” held by Journalism Association [TH]
- Panelist at “TRPC-IIC
Thailand Forum on Privacy” held by IIC and Technology Research Project Corporate - Panelist at “SEAPA Conference: Combatting Disinformation: Quo Vadis, Southeast Asia?” held by SEAPA
- Teaching “Impacts of Digital Change in Cultural and Legal Perspective” for Digital Government Development Agency [TH]
- Speaker at GOVIT 2018 by SDGs on “Impact of Data Protection Law on Governmental Sector” [TH]
- Speaker at “Asian Dialogue on Youth Civic Engagement and Human Rights’ 2018”held by Asia Forum
- Panelist at “Fake News Crisis and Ecosystem of Media Business”, held by TULaw and Faculty of Journalism, Thammasat [TH]
- Panelist at “TG Get Ready for GDPR”, held by Thai Airways [TH]
- Presenting on “Right to Information and Non-state Actors”, at International Conference on Youth Engagement and Human Rights”, held by The Youth for Human Rights International and Asia Centre
- Presenting on “Internet Governance and International Human Rights Law” at International Joint Symposium between Hanyang University and Kansai University on the Law and Policy of Crisis Management [JP]
- Panelist at “Privacy, Personality and Flows of Information – ASIA Edition”, held by UN Special Rapporteur on Privacy
- Facilitators and Speakers at Mekong ICT Camp 2017, on topics related to internet governance, law interpretation and RIA
- Panelist at APrIGF “Upgrade Required: Obfuscation and cryptographic standards for data protection law in the age of linked and big data”
- Panelist at “Sharing Economy : Economic Perspectives and Necessity for Regulation by Law” held by the Council of State [TH]
- Teaching “ASEAN as International Organisation” for Legal Officer at the Secretariat of the House of Representatives [TH]
- Panelist at “Disrupting the Disruptors: A Glimpse into Thailand’s Sharing Economy” held by FCCT
- Teaching “Analysis for Social Impact Assessment of Law” for National Assembly Legal Officers [TH]
- Panelist at “Cybersecurity: History, Principles and Issues” held by TULaw and THNiC [TH]
- Panelist at “Blockchain: An Innovation to Improve Cybersecurity” held by TULaw and Chiang Mai University [TH]
- Panelist at “Thailand after New Computer Crime Act B.E. 2559” held by Thammasat University [TH]
- Panelist at “Past and Future of Human Rights in the World and in Thailand” held by Walailak University [TH]
- Panelist at “Criticising Computer Crime Bill under Examination of the National Legislative Assembly” held by iLaw [TH]
- Panelist at “Digital Commons: Plural Characteristic of Information Technology in Modern Culture” by Thammasat [TH]
- Teaching “Role of International Law on Law Drafting Process” for National Assembly Legal Officers [TH]
- Panelist at “Medical Information: What to Close and When to Open for the Benefits of Patients” by ETDA [TH]