Yada Dejchai Tianprasit
Assistant Professor Dr.

Yada Dejchai Tianprasit
Assistant Professor Dr.
- Lecturer, Centre of Criminal Law and Criminology.
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
Thammasat University
- Master of Laws with Merit (LLM with merit)
Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom
Dissertation Title: ‘Corporate Manslaughter: The UK regime and lessons to be learnt for Thailand’ (Distinction)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Thesis Title: ‘Reforming the Insanity Defence in Thailand: A Comparative Study in the Light of Legal Developments in Scotland and England and Wales’ (Pass with no correction)
Thesis Topics
- ‘Corporate Manslaughter: The UK regime and lessons to be learnt for Thailand’, LLM Dissertation (distinction), Oxford Brookes University
- ‘Reforming the Insanity Defence in Thailand: A Comparative Study in the Light of Legal Developments in Scotland and England and Wales’, PhD Thesis (no corrections), University of Aberdeen
Work Experience
- Lecturer, School of Law, Mae Fah Laung University, Chiang Rai, Thailand
(1 September 2014 – 31 July 2017)
Courses teaching:
- Criminology and Penology
- Criminal Liability (Selected Acts)
- Foundation of Laws (co-lecturer)
- English for Lawyers (co-lecturer)
- Business Laws (English)
- Knows Your Laws (English)
- Law of Information Technology (English)
- Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand
(16 August 2020 – current)
Courses teaching:
- Criminal Law: Principle
- Criminal Law: Offences
- Criminology and Penology
- Seminar in Criminal Law
- Advanced Criminal Law
- Advanced Criminology and Penology
- Advanced Criminal Procedure Law
- Guest Lecturer, Graduate School, Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand
- Advanced Criminal Law
- Guest Lecturer, Gradate School of Law, National Institute of Development Administration
- Comparative Criminal Law
- Guest Lecturer, Department of Special Investigation, Ministry of Justice
- Criminal Procedure Law
- The 16th Asian Law Institute Conference at School of Law, National University of Singapore (11-12 June 2019). Paper titled ‘Criminal Law Rationale Toward Mentally Disordered Offenders: A Comparative Study from Thailand, Scotland and England and Wales Jurisdictions’
Published Articles:
- Y Dejchai, ‘Crime against animals in the state of Illinois: A remark for Cruelty Prevention and Welfare of Animal Act B.E. 2557 (2016) Thammasat Law Journal, 45(4), 1053-1072
- Y Dejchai, ‘Book Review Article: Criminology: Theories, Patterns and Typologies by Larry J Siegel’ (2017) Law Journal Faculty of Law Chulalongkorn University, 35(1)
- Y Dejchai, ‘Models for Corporate Criminal Liability under the Common Law: the study of the United Kingdom and United States regimes’ (2017) 15th Anniversary School of Law, Mae Fah Laung University
- Y Dejchai, ‘The Insanity Defence Revisited: To Retain or Abolish? The Study from the UK and US Regimes’ (2019) Nitipat NIDA, 8(2)
- Y Dejchai, ‘Exploring the imposing of the Informal Negative Social Sanction on social network from the Criminology Perspective: some cases from Thailand’ (2019) Sukhothaithammathirat Law Journal, 30(2)
- Y Dejchai, ‘Criminal responsibility of the accessory: A comparative study between United Kingdom (England and Wales, Scotland) and Thailand’ (2021) Nitipat NIDA Journal, 10(2)
- Y D Tianprasit, ‘Problems regarding fitness for trial test in Thailand: A comparative study of England and Wales and the Netherlands’ (2022) Nitipat NIDA Journal, 11(1)
- Y D Tianprasit, ‘The Insanity Defence and Disposals in Thailand: from past to present’ (2022) MFU Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11 (1)
- Y D Tianprasit, ‘Cannabis Deregulated for Recreational Use? A Review of Related Regulations and Offences in Thailand’ (2022) Thammasat Law Journal 51(3), 820
- Y D Tianprasit, ‘Guideline for the development of law regarding the handling of mentally disordered offenders’ (2022) Julaniti, 19(5)
- Y D Tianprasit, ‘Reforming Laws Regarding Criminal Responsibility of Mentally Disordered Offenders in Thailand: The Insanity Defence under Section 65 of the Criminal Code of Thailand’ (2023) Thammasat Law Journal, 52(1) 4
- Y D Tianprasit, ‘Problems Regarding the Fitness for Trial in Thailand: A Comparative Study with the Jurisdiction of England and Wales, and the Netherlands’ (2022) Nitipat
NIDA Law Journal, 11(1), 13–34 - Y D Tianprasit, ‘So, what if they are mad?: Regulations regarding the handling of mentally disordered offenders in Thai’s law’ (2023) Thammasat Law Journal, 52(2)
- Y D Tianprasit, ‘Enacting Special Measures for the Interview of Victims with Intellectual Disabilities in Thailand: A Case Study from the Legal Developments in the United
Kingdom (England and Wales) and Norway’ (2024) Thammasat Law Journal, 53(2), 401-
- Yada Dejchai Tianpraist, Reforming fitness for trial test in Thailand: Lessons from England and Wales and the Netherlands (Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, 2022)
- KyoungChan Kim, Joonpyo Lee, Dongyiel Syn, Amelya Gustina, Tanatthep Tianprasit, Yada Dejchai, The network construction for the protection of Human Rights and the
co-operation for the prevention of human rights violation related with criminal policy in East-Asia (Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice, 2022) - Yada Dejchai Tianprasit, Special Measures for the Interview of Victims with Intellectual Disabilities: A comparative study of Laws of Thailand, United Kingdom (England and Wales) and Norway (Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, 2024)
- Elphinstone PhD Scholarship, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom
(September 2017- October 2020) - Educational Award for Excellence 2019 in Law, Anglo-Thai Society, United Kingdom
- ‘Good’ Thesis Award 2567 (2024), National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)